HomeWellbeingCan Menopause Cause Dehydration? What OB/GYNs Want You To Know

Can Menopause Cause Dehydration? What OB/GYNs Want You To Know

Here’s a laundry listing of signs: constipation, dry mouth, kidney and urinary issues, thirst, dangerous breath, joint ache, muscle cramps, compromised pores and skin well being, decreased immunity, temper and thoughts issues, sugar cravings, and bronchial asthma and allergy signs.

Whereas these might look like a random assortment, they’re all indicators of dehydration—a few of which can be extra stunning than others. An individual can expertise dehydration at any age for quite a lot of causes, however when you’re anyplace from 40 to 50 years outdated and/or experiencing menopause, you could questioning: Can menopause trigger dehydration?

Specialists In This Article

  • Alyssa Dweck, MD, FACOG, board-certified OB/GYN on the Mount Kisco Medical Group
  • Brandye Wilson-Manigat, MD, board-certified OB/GYN, menopause skilled, and Treatment medical advisor
  • Michael Inexperienced, MD, OB/GYN and chief medical officer at Winona
  • Taniqua Miller, MD, FACOG, board-certified OB/GYN, founding father of TaniquaMD, and clinician at Evernow

Earlier than we dive into the potential connections between the 2, it’s essential to know what menopause is within the first place.
Menopause is a pure organic course of marking the tip of reproductive years for individuals with uteruses, often occurring of their late 40s or early 50s. It’s outlined by the absence of menstrual intervals for 12 consecutive months. Perimenopause, then again, is the transitional part main as much as menopause. Throughout perimenopause, which might begin anyplace from mid-30s to mid-50s, hormonal fluctuations happen, resulting in irregular intervals and numerous signs like scorching flashes, night time sweats, and temper adjustments.

Elements that may make dehydration extra doubtless throughout menopause

There are a number of physiological adjustments to the physique that occur across the similar ages that perimenopause and menopause start that may make it straightforward to imagine that menopause is inflicting your dehydration, however there’s extra to it than that.

Working example: “The quantity of water that we maintain onto declines as we age,” says Taniqua Miller, MD, MSCP, a board-certified OB/GYN, menopause skilled, and Evernow doctor. It’s because it’s frequent to start out shedding three-to-five % of your physique’s muscle mass per decade starting at age 30. “Much less muscle mass means much less physique water content material, and thus threat for dehydration,” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, a working towards gynecologist and the chief medical officer at Bonafide Well being. “It is a pure phenomenon.”

In consequence, dehydration is much more doubtless with even simply the slightest lower in fluid consumption as you become old, in keeping with board-certified OB/GYN Brandye Wilson-Manigat, MD, menopause skilled and Treatment medical advisor.

So as to add to that, individuals sometimes expertise much less thirst once they’re older making it tougher to remain hydrated, in keeping with Dr. Miller. Dr. Wilson-Manigat provides that “as a result of our alerts for thirst often lag what’s taking place in our our bodies, by the point we develop into conscious, we’re taking part in catch as much as our physique’s wants.”

What’s extra: “The kidneys additionally develop into much less environment friendly at concentrating urine [as you age], resulting in elevated water elimination and additional depleting the already-diminished whole physique water degree,” says Dr. Wilson-Manigat.

Menopausal signs which will trigger dehydration

To be clear, menopause can undoubtedly contribute to dehydration, nevertheless. For instance, an overactive bladder is a typical symptom of menopause, in keeping with Dr. Dweck, and it might probably result in peeing extra regularly. “With a view to mitigate these signs, many will fluid-restrict and thus threat dehydration,” she says.

In the meantime, the physiological adjustments as a result of hormonal fluctuations throughout menopause, aka scorching flashes and night time sweats, are correlated with estrogen deficiency, in keeping with Dr. Miller. And that causes different signs that may be dehydrating.

“Estrogen [is central to] the thermoregulatory zone of the mind within the hypothalamus,” she explains. “Because the estrogen decline nearing menopause, the inner thermostat will get disrupted. The physique can simply overheat, inflicting the recent flashes. And in response, the physique will produce sweat as a way to cool the physique.” Identical to with train, sweat can result in dehydration when you’re not adequately replenishing.

Temperature regulation isn’t the one half at play, although. Let’s bounce again to a decreased sense of thirst actual fast. “Moreover, many ladies expertise fluid retention (considering bloating, swelling) in menopause, which additionally dampens the notion of thirst,” Dr. Wilson-Manigat says. As you’ll be able to guess, all of that is the place the dehydration is available in. “Extreme sweating may cause dehydration, particularly if the individual is just not capable of sustain with the elevated losses,” she continues.

At what stage of menopause does dehydration ramp up?

It’s beneficial to notice that you could be expertise dehydration earlier than menopause has absolutely began (and after it ends). “Dehydration throughout menopause can start at any stage, however it could develop into extra noticeable in the course of the perimenopausal and postmenopausal phases,” says Michael Inexperienced, MD, an OB/GYN and the chief medical officer at Winona. He explains that perimenopause is usually when hormonal fluctuations begin.

Dr. Wilson-Manigat says the reason for your dehydration might fluctuate relying on what stage of menopause you’re experiencing. “Normally within the early a part of menopause, scorching flashes and night time sweats are the problem,” she says. “Whereas later in menopause, it could be because of the adjustments seen with an absence of estrogen within the urinary system that results in elevated frequency of urination and elevated fluid loss by urination.”

What helps with menopause-related dehydration?

Set water objectives

Merely being extra aware could be key. Some merchandise could make that job simpler for you, from the LifeFuels bottle that gamifies ingesting water to the Fabulous app that motivates you to make small adjustments that can assist you meet your objectives.

However how a lot water do you want? “Whereas that is no arduous and quick rule, take your weight in kilos, divide it by two, and that needs to be your goal water consumption every day in ounces,” Dr. Miller says.

“If water is just not your jam, attempt to spice it up with cut-up fruit, resembling strawberries or cucumbers, to present it a little bit taste,” Dr. Miller says.

Take note of your rest room habits and different signs

At the start, know what you’re coping with. Dr. Dweck encourages monitoring how typically you’re feeling the necessity to pee and the focus of your urine.

“When urine appears notably darkish and/or frequency declines considerably in comparison with baseline, dehydration stands out as the root trigger,” she says, including that vital fluid loss can deplete electrolytes, minerals that stability the water in your physique, transfer vitamins into cells, and transfer waste out of cells—mainly, they assist the water you drink truly preserve your physique hydrated. This may trigger fogginess, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, and extreme thirst, too.

Enhance your electrolyte consumption

As you’re shedding each water and electrolytes while you sweat or pee, it is best to you’ll want to replenish each of those parts, in keeping with Dr. Wilson-Manigat. Examples of high-electrolyte meals embody melons, candy potatoes, pickles, leafy greens, and avocados, to start out.

Dr. Manigat recommends Treatment, a hydrating electrolyte drink combine that replenishes potassium and sodium with pure elements (and simply tastes higher than common water). She encourages at the least a serving a day, growing that frequency if wanted till signs lower or resolve.

Moreover, a number of completely different fruits, resembling lemons, melons, and limes, are nice additions while you’re trying to make a selfmade electrolyte drink.

Eat extra fruits and veggies

“Whilst you might not have the will to drink water due to decreased thirst, you might be able to compensate for some fluid losses with vegatables and fruits with larger water content material,” Dr. Miller says. Examples of hydrating meals embody watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, peaches, cantaloupe, and oranges.

Restrict caffeine and alcohol

This tip is not any enjoyable, I do know, but it surely’s one to think about. “Each have diuretic properties that may trigger extra fluid losses,” Dr. Miller says. She encourages ingesting water as an alternative.

Last takeaways

Whereas menopause can play a task in dehydration, it’s not essentially the greatest contributor. “It’s essential to acknowledge that dehydration may end up from a mixture of things, and menopause might exacerbate dangers that exist already,” Dr. Inexperienced says.

So do what you’ll be able to: Drink water and electrolyte drinks, add fruits and veggies to your food plan, and keep away from dehydrating drinks (aka espresso/soda/alcohol) as a lot as you’ll be able to and are keen.

Moreover, realizing what stage of dehydration your physique is in primarily based in your signs can assist you gauge how lengthy it’ll take in your physique to bounce again. FYI, dehydration restoration can last as long as 36 hours, relying on the stage.



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