HomeFitnessThe Ultimate Bench Press Workout to Increase Strength and Muscle

The Ultimate Bench Press Workout to Increase Strength and Muscle

The ever-popular bench press has constructed its fame over the previous few many years as a ceremony of passage, a trial by hearth, and a founding member of the powerlifting “huge three.” This train is all that, and extra. The bench press is so well-liked that it even has its personal day of the week — “Worldwide bench day” has change into synonymous with Monday in lots of gyms.

The bench press is a go-to train if you’re trying to enhance the scale and energy of your chest, shoulders, and triceps. The steadiness of the bench and the mounted vary of movement of the barbell means that you can use extra weight. And shifting extra weight means constructing extra dimension and energy.

A person doing a bench press in the gym.
Credit score: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

In the event you’re on the lookout for a standalone bench-focused exercise to extend energy and muscle in your higher physique, you have got come to the appropriate place. Let’s dive in beneath.

Finest Bench Press Exercise For Muscle and Energy

To realize absolute energy, you will need to concentrate on shifting heavier weights, working round 85-90% of your one-repetition most. (1) The cluster set method gives you all you may deal with on this regard — performing a number of “mini-sets” of low repetitions with heavy weights to build up important quantity. This helps set the desk for extra muscle as a result of a stronger muscle has the potential for extra dimension. After the heavy work, two completely different supersets consider workouts that effectively enhance your chest dimension and energy.

The Measurement and Energy Routine

Carry out this exercise as soon as weekly as a part of your higher/decrease physique cut up. To progress with the primary train, begin at three full cluster units, do 4 the subsequent week, after which 5. While you’re in a position to do 5 cluster units, add weight. The opposite three bench workouts begin on the decrease finish of the rep vary and add one repetition every week. When you have got reached the higher vary, enhance the load by 5 to 10 kilos and begin the method once more.

Bench Press Cluster Set

The flat barbell bench press ought to be a staple in your routine and your go-to for extra dimension and energy everytime you need to transfer essentially the most weight. This benching variation focuses equally in your higher and decrease chest for higher total muscle growth.

Do it: Lay supine on the flat bench, arch your decrease again barely, and plant your toes on the ground. Pull your shoulder blades collectively to boost stability and higher again energy. Seize the bar and squeeze your fingers laborious to flex your arm and grip muscle tissues maximally earlier than unracking the load. Decrease the bar to your sternum/base of your chest. Press the load up, preserve your again tight and your shoulder blades pulled collectively.

Units and Reps: 3-5 x (4×2) — Carry out 4 mini-sets of two reps, repeated a complete of three to 5 instances.

Relaxation time: Relaxation 10 seconds between every mini-set. Relaxation three minutes after every full set.

Shut-Grip Bench Press

The close-grip bench press has your fingers set shoulder-width aside and shift the load to your triceps and internal chest. (2) It’s possible you’ll not have the ability to carry as a lot weight, however you’ll be coaching your chest and triceps from a unique angle for improved muscle growth.

Do it: Arrange as you’ll for the flat bench press, however place your fingers inside shoulder-width along with your elbows tucked into your physique. Pull the bar out of the rack and get tight. Pull preserve your elbows near your ribs whereas decreasing the bar to your chest. Upon getting reached your required depth, press again up till lockout.

Units and Reps: 3-4 x 4-6

Relaxation time: No relaxation earlier than shifting to the subsequent train.

Seated Band Pull-Aside

After two urgent workouts, you’ll get a break with this easy pulling train to strengthen your higher again and sustain the well being of your shoulders. This seated band pull-apart will enhance your higher again engagement (due to the steadiness of being seated) with out you leaving the bench.

Do it: Sit upright, holding a looped band at shoulder peak along with your fingers shoulder-width aside. Pull the band aside, maintaining your arms almost straight. Hold your shoulders down and your chest up. Pull till your shoulder blades are collectively and your arms are prolonged to both aspect of your physique. Return to the beginning place and repeat.

Units and Reps: 3 x 15-25

Relaxation time: Relaxation two minutes earlier than repeating earlier train.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

This single-arm (unilateral) train gained’t help you go as heavy as you possibly can with the barbell bench press, however there may be nonetheless so much to love about this urgent variation. First, you’ll tackle any imbalances between sides of your physique, main to higher muscle growth and improved joint well being. Second, you’ll have extra freedom of motion, as a result of the dumbbell bench press means that you can regulate your grip and arm angle to discover a urgent path that’s snug in your wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints.

Do it:  Place one dumbbell in your knee whereas sitting on a flat bench. Lean again and drive the dumbbell towards your shoulder utilizing your knee, whereas urgent the dumbbell up. Decrease the dumbbell, maintaining your elbow at roughly 45-degrees out of your physique. Press the dumbbells as much as lockout and repeat. 

Units and Reps: 3-4 x 8-12 reps per arm.

Relaxation time: Relaxation 60 to 90 seconds earlier than shifting to the subsequent train. 

Dumbbell Chest Flye

The dumbbell chest flye is as near a chest isolation train because it will get. This train takes the triceps out of the motion and stretches the pecs for a extra in depth vary of movement, which supplies you higher muscle-building potential. (3)

do it: Lie supine on a flat bench with a dumbbell in every hand. Start with each arms locked out above your chest. Create a slight bend in your elbows and preserve this bend all through the motion. Decrease your arms out to your sides according to your shoulders. While you really feel a stretch within the pecs, reverse the movement and squeeze the chest muscle tissues to return to the highest place.

Units and Reps: 3 x 8-15

Relaxation time: Relaxation 60-90 seconds earlier than repeating the earlier train.

Chest Anatomy

The chest is a big superficial fan-like muscle, and the 2 chest muscle tissues are the pectoralis main and the pec minor. It has two attachment factors — the clavicular head on the higher chest and the sternal head attachment on the mid-to-lower chest. The pec main is in your anterior (entrance) ribcage, whereas the pectoralis minor is a small muscle beneath the pec main.

Credit score: Ihor Bulyhin / Shutterstock

The pec main’s clavicular head originates, as anticipated, in your clavicle’s (collarbone) anterior or entrance floor. The pec main’s sternal head originates on the sternum’s anterior floor. Each muscle heads insert on the humerus (higher arm) and are concerned in most higher physique actions. The 2 major chest features that the coaching above focuses on are:

  • Shoulder flexion — Elevating your arms up by pushing or lifting in entrance of your physique.
  • Horizontal adduction — Bringing your fingers (and joints) collectively in entrance of your pecs, as you do throughout a chest flye, bench press, or push-up.

Apart from creating an enormous and muscular chest, the pecs are the first “hugging” muscle. Pec dimension and energy assist sort out, seize, and fend off opponents within the sporting enviornment, in addition to throw and swing tougher and quicker if you happen to play sports activities like soccer, baseball, or tennis. 

Heat-Up for Your Bench Exercise

Have you ever ever seen somebody stroll off the road below the barbell and begin urgent away to their coronary heart’s content material? Don’t be that individual, they’re asking for accidents and poor efficiency. Though not warming up might not an enormous difficulty on uncommon events, over time, it might result in a lower in efficiency and elevated damage threat.

It’s higher to take the time to warm-up and get the blood shifting by your working muscle tissues, whereas get your shoulder and elbow joints prepared for motion.

As a result of your higher again and rotator cuffs are concerned within the bench press, be sure you carry out any higher again motion that’s efficient for participating your scapula and rotators — face pulls with exterior rotation or band pull-parts.

After that, a number of gentle ramp-up units on the bench press (low rep, gentle weight units getting progressively heavier), focusing laborious on participating your chest muscle tissues, may have you able to roll.

In the event you determine to take extra time for an intensive warm-up, take this upper-body prep for a spin. There are a few higher back-focused workouts right here as a result of your lats and higher again stabilize your chest throughout benching. You’ll have to get your again prepared for chest day to completely defend and put together your shoulders and rotator cuff.

  • Face Pull with Exterior Rotation: Safe a resistance band to a steady object at eye-level. Take an overhand grip and step again till your arms are prolonged straight forward. Drive your elbows again according to your shoulders whereas pulling your fingers to the highest of your head. Within the peak contraction, your thumbs ought to level behind you and your palms ought to be close to your ears. Return to the arms-extended place. Carry out two units of 15 reps.
  • Scapular Push-up: Start in a push-up place, along with your fingers and toes on the bottom and your physique straight. Hold your arms stiff and locked as you pinch your shoulder blades collectively whereas reaching your chest towards the bottom. Drive your fingers “by the bottom” as you lengthen your shoulder blades down and push your chest away out of your fingers. Carry out two units of 10 reps.
  • Rear Delt Fly: Take a pair of sunshine dumbbells in every hand, or stand in the midst of a lightweight resistance band and maintain every finish. Bend ahead on the waist, almost parallel to the bottom, and let your arms grasp towards the bottom with a slight bend in your arms. Drive your arms up according to your shoulders. Don’t permit your arm angle to vary all through the train. Pause briefly earlier than returning to the stretched place. Carry out two units of 12 reps.
  • Spiderman With Rotation: Start in a push-up place, along with your fingers and toes on the bottom and your physique straight. Step ahead along with your left leg, aiming to get your foot close to the pinky of your left hand if mobility permits. Hold your proper leg straight. With out bending your proper arm, carry your left arm to the ceiling, turning your higher physique to permit a full rotation. When your arm is perpendicular to the bottom, really feel a total-body stretch earlier than returning to a push-up place. Alternate sides with every repetition. Carry out two units of 5 reps per aspect.
  • Incline Plyo Push-up: Setup close to a steady flat bench or field, in a push-up place along with your fingers on the bench, your toes on the bottom, and your physique straight. Decrease your chest towards the bench and explosively drive upwards, letting your fingers go away contact with the bench. Catch your self with barely bent arms and brace your core. Take a breath and reset rapidly earlier than performing the subsequent repetition. Carry out two units of eight reps.

Joyful Benching

There are lots of other ways to focus on your chest, shoulder, and triceps, however the bench press is the preferred and, doubtlessly, the best instrument. You possibly can construct muscle and energy by specializing in a handful of the best actions to enhance the bench press. All the time warm-up your chest and shoulders, after which assault the muscle tissues utilizing the in-depth, final bench exercise laid out above. Your Mondays won’t ever be the identical.


  1. Schoenfeld, B. J., Grgic, J., Van Each, D. W., & Plotkin, D. L. (2021). Loading Suggestions for Muscle Energy, Hypertrophy, and Native Endurance: A Re-Examination of the Repetition Continuum. Sports activities (Basel, Switzerland)9(2), 32. https://doi.org/10.3390/sports9020032
  2. Lockie, Robert & Moreno, Matthew. (2017). The Shut-Grip Bench Press. Energy and Conditioning Journal. 39. 1. 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000307.
  3. Baroni, B. M., Pompermayer, M. G., Cini, A., Peruzzolo, A. S., Radaelli, R., Brusco, C. M., & Pinto, R. S. (2017). Full Vary of Movement Induces Better Muscle Injury Than Partial Vary of Movement in Elbow Flexion Train With Free Weights. Journal of energy and conditioning analysis31(8), 2223–2230. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000001562

Featured Picture: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock



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