HomeFitnessTypes of Yoga Asanas – A Complete Guide

Types of Yoga Asanas – A Complete Guide

The phrase “yoga” means “union”. Yoga aligns the thoughts with the physique. The advantages of yoga are each bodily and emotional. Yoga is a observe that has existed since historic instances.

The relevance of yoga has by no means received misplaced. Yoga helps obtain good thoughts and physique alignment. Subsequently, even at the moment, yoga is important for wholesome and healthful dwelling. Various kinds of yoga asanas deal with a typical objective: total well-being and bodily well being.

You may observe kinds of yoga within the consolation of your own home and reap all its advantages. The perfect half about yoga is that you simply want only a mat and half an hour every single day to get began on this path.

Today, yoga kinds have change into part of our lives. Yoga is a therapeutic instrument to deal with bodily and psychological issues. Subsequently, it’s not proper to imagine that yoga is for a selected faith or group.  

If you happen to search on-line, yow will discover various kinds of yoga that focus on particular well being points. For instance, remedy yoga contains yoga for again ache, yoga to scale back stomach fats, yoga asana for weight reduction, and even weight achieve. These are a set of bodily postures and respiration workout routines that focus on the issue holistically and eradicate the problems.

Advantages of Yoga

Yoga, not like different types of train, is a lifestyle. Phrases like yoga glow, yoga abs, yogic calmness have change into in style through the years.

Somebody who practices yoga over time sees an unlimited distinction in her physique and the way she feels. A few of the key advantages of yoga are:

  • A sustained practise ends in weight reduction
  • Improved blood circulation, which improves pores and skin high quality and texture
  • Delays total ageing and is therapeutic by nature
  • Improves bodily stamina
  • Good for intestine well being and improved digestion
  • Enhances fertility and reproductive well being
  • Improves sleep cycle
  • It makes you calm and completely happy
  • Improves focus
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves immunity

Analysis exhibits the therapeutic goodness of yoga. Practising yoga makes one fitter when in comparison with individuals who don’t do yoga. 

Completely different Kinds of Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Types of Yoga - Hatha Yoga

The Sanskrit phrase Hatha means “drive.” Subsequently, hatha yoga restores the stability of the physique. Any such yoga works on the concord between the chakras and power factors. The chakras are vortexes of power or the factors in our physique the place the power lies concentrated. They’re current in seven completely different areas within the physique and hook up with particular organs and glands.

Hatha yoga contains many bodily postures and positions that stability the physique and thoughts. Various kinds of yoga by varied colleges and lecturers have sure elementary commonalities.

Analysis exhibits that Hatha yoga helps us destress, keep bodily match and agile, and make us look youthful. As well as, Hatha yoga purifies and heals our system. Additionally, sustained observe results in weight reduction and toned muscle tissue.

The various kinds of yoga kinds borne out of hatha yoga are:

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a direct offshoot of sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Well-known because the yoga type for weight reduction, the ashtanga phrase is a spinoff of the phrase eight in Sanskrit. 

Ashtanga yoga has eight pillars: Rules, private self-discipline, asana and postures, pranayama, withdrawal, focus, meditation and salvation.   

A few of the widespread various kinds of asanas practiced in ashtanga yoga are:

  • Padmasana
  • Simhasan
  • The Butterfly
  • Kapalbhati pranayama
  • Anulom vilom pranayama
  • Surya bhedi pranayama
  • Chandra bhedi pranayama

If you’re searching for yoga for anxiousness and stress reduction, higher again ache, decrease again ache, or fats loss, ashtanga could be the very best for you.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

This type of yoga can also be known as “movement” yoga. The phrase “Vinyasa” has two components, with Vi that means variation and Nyasa that means inside prescribed limits.

Vinyasa yoga incorporates motion and respiration methods. It creates a movement of postures with managed respiration replicating the movement of life. For instance, Vinyasa yogis provoke the movement with a baby’s pose and terminate the movement with the loss of life pose (the savasana). The transitions into every posture replicate the motion by means of life. Meditation is part of superior vinyasa yoga practices, making the shape extra conscious.

For a newbie in vinyasa yoga, the perfect sequence could be:

  • Plank pose (Kumbhakasana)
  • Knees-Chest-Chin Pose (Ashtanga Namaskara)
  • Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Downward-Going through Canine pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Vinyasa yoga is an efficient alternative for those who like high-intensity workout routines. As well as, Vinyasa yoga is good for anxiousness, melancholy, blood stress and sleep.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Also called the “yoga of consciousness,” kundalini yoga contains repetitive poses. Kundalini yoga awakens the latent kundalini Shakti. This religious power resides on the base of the backbone. Yogis consider that Kundalini Shakti is sort of a coiled snake, unaroused on the base of the backbone. Subsequently, the energetic power strikes up the backbone and contributes to your religious well-being. Kundalini yoga can also be appropriate for stress, anxiousness, melancholy and higher cognitive operate.

Actions start with a chant, adopted by pranayama, the act of managed and exact respiration. Then comes kriya, a set of postures or mudras (particular hand positioning). Then one performs pranayama, chanting, and meditation.

Jal neti kriya is a cleaning approach that helps take away mucus and different blockages from the nasal passage.

Iyengar Yoga

Any such yoga is kind of just like vinyasa yoga. It will get its identify from B.Okay.S. Iyengar, one of many foremost yoga lecturers on the earth. Iyengar yoga is completely different from different kinds of yoga. It focuses totally on posture, physique alignment and opening of the physique. It additionally makes use of props similar to yoga blocks and belts to good poses. 


  • Improve Flexibility
  • Toned muscle tissue
  • A calmer thoughts
  • Ache reduction
  • Improved posture and alignment
  • Safety from illness
  • Improved respiration
  • Strengthen the muscle tissue

A research exhibits that Iyengar yoga has successfully cured musculoskeletal problems. On this situation, one faces extreme again and neck ache. As well as, it has proven seen ends in treating disabilities of the backbone. The event of energy, mobility and stability is progressive. It additionally helps in curing gynaecological and gastroenterological ailments.

Aerial Yoga

It’s appropriate not just for superior individuals but additionally for rookies. It helps to construct toned and lean muscle tissue. Versus conventional yoga, aerial yoga additionally incorporates different exercises-all whereas defying gravity. It has the goodness of yoga and cardio workout routines like swimming or operating.

On this explicit yoga, a rope suspends our physique within the air, and poses are launched hereafter. 


  • Burns physique fats
  • It improves flexibility
  • Cures respiration difficulties
  • Supplies reduction from stress 
  • Will increase core energy
  • Improves posture 

4 Fundamental Paths of Yoga

Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is one’s path of devotion to selfless work. In different phrases, it’s a yoga of motion. It signifies that one has to dedicate time, power, and energy to any job.

There shouldn’t be any expectation of a reward or approval. It’s thought of a humbling observe as one works not for the ego however the better good.

Jnana Yoga

Jnana yoga is the yoga of mental information and sensible knowledge. This manner is all about self-realisation by means of meditative consciousness. One experiences information and develops intuitive understanding. One learns to separate the ego from the true Self.

Jnana yoga contains three important phases:

  • Sravana (listening to or exposing oneself to information),
  • Manana (considering and revisiting the knowledge for enhanced understanding),
  • Nididhyasana (meditation).

Jnana yoga might not be bodily difficult, but it surely is among the most difficult types of yoga to observe, because it requires an open thoughts.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga means king in Sanskrit. Raja Yoga is also referred to as ‘classical yoga’, ‘king of yogis’ or ‘yoga of the thoughts’. Additionally it is known as ashtanga yoga. 

The phrase ashtanga alludes to the quantity eight, and ashtanga yoga additionally contains of eight steps:

  1. Yama (Rules)
  2. Niyama (Private Self-discipline)
  3. Asana (Positions and Postures)
  4. Pranayama (Respiratory Practices)
  5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal)
  6. Dharana (Focus)
  7. Dhyan (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Salvation)

Asanas will be practised and polished over time to realize perfection. For instance, among the widespread asanas practised in ashtanga yoga are Padmasana (the lotus pose), Simhasana (the lion pose), Bhadrasana (the butterfly pose, and so on.).

Many respiration workout routines or pranayamas, like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Bhedi, and so on., make it appropriate to fight day after day stress. Raja yoga is ideal for you if you need yoga for anxiousness, stress reduction, or again ache.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti comes from bhaj, which suggests to worship or love God. Some individuals contemplate bhakti-yoga a approach to liberate themselves from the everlasting beginning and loss of life cycle. Treading this religious path helps unite one’s soul or ‘atman’ with Brahman or ‘true actuality.’

Relying on the kind of Bhakti you select to comply with, you determine as a selected sort of devotee or bhakt.

  • Artha – distressed one
  • Artharthi – one who desires materialistic wealth
  • Jijnasu – the curious one
  • Jnani – the self-aware one

Completely different Codecs of Yoga Practices

Yoga within the trendy world has developed and branched out into particular practices.

Face yoga

Entails massages and workout routines that work the muscle tissue of your face to melt and calm down them to shake off stress, rigidity, and fear. This type of yoga has change into in style in the previous few years. The followers assume that this type of yoga reverses ageing and makes you look youthful by a decade.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a mixture of martial arts and yoga. This manner will increase blood circulation within the joints and improves flexibility and muscle tone. Postures final for at the least a minute, and thru observe, one can maintain the identical pose for 5 minutes or extra.

Yin yoga additionally makes resourceful use of props like blocks and blankets. It therefore is understood to be practised post-workout on account of its skill to calm down the physique’s joints.

Yang Yoga

Yang yoga is comparatively much less experimental and mixes Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga. This manner is extra energetic than Yin Yoga. It focuses on cultivating vigour, endurance, easing out the stress within the physique, and constructing muscle mass.

Energy Yoga

Energy yoga derives its roots from ashtanga yoga. One must carry out Yoga postures at a a lot faster and extra energetic tempo. It really works to tone the muscle tissue and in addition enhances flexibility. 

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga goals to calm down fully into the assorted poses. This type of yoga makes use of props for physique assist. Guided meditation is an integral a part of restorative yoga.

The principle focus of restorative yoga lies in enjoyable the nervous system. An awesome type to actively destress and calm these anxious nerves. The thought is to carry poses for a couple of minutes.

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga goals to scale back the discomfort and pains related to being pregnant. Prenatal yoga teaches some useful respiration workout routines that may be fairly useful throughout labour.

Some methods taught in prenatal yoga may also be a part of postnatal yoga. This manner helps new moms to lose some weight gained throughout being pregnant.

Advantages of Yoga Throughout Being pregnant

  • Endurance of pelvic muscle tissue wanted for childbirth
  • Decreased decrease again ache, nausea, and complications
  • Controls shortness of breath
  • Improves sleep high quality
  • Relieves total stress

There are various kinds of yoga for everybody. Discover out the yoga approach that works finest in your wants with the steering of an authorized yoga coach.

Keep in mind that one can’t really feel the advantages of yoga in a short while body. It’s a long-term dedication. When you become involved and common, you’ll by no means wish to hand over on yoga. 

Ceaselessly Requested Questions (FAQs)

Q. What are the 4 important paths of yoga?

A. The 4 important kinds of yoga are Karma Yoga (selfless service), Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Raja Yoga(meditation), Jnana Yoga (mind).

Q. What are the eight kinds of yoga?

A. Eight in style kinds of yoga are Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Sizzling yoga, Iyengar yoga, Kundalini yoga, Energy yoga, Restorative yoga, Vinyasa yoga.

Q. What are the 5 main kinds of yoga?

A. The numerous kinds of yoga are Ashtanga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Anusara Yoga

Q. What’s the hottest yoga?

A. Hatha yoga is the preferred yoga. It’s a sequence of mild sequences coupled with meditation. Any such yoga is good for individuals who resolve to do yoga for the primary time, as its postures are comparatively simple.

Q. What’s the hardest sort of yoga?

A. For any type of yoga to be perfected requires years of observe. For instance, no posture is ideal on day one. Equally, it takes years to get the thoughts in management. Consequently, some might discover concentrating onerous and others yoga postures powerful.

Q.Which kind of yoga is finest for weight reduction?

A. All yoga kinds can guarantee weight reduction. Highly effective postures give the advantages of a full-body exercise. It burns energy by means of speedy and steady motion.

Q.What sort of yoga is generally stretching?

A. Restorative yoga is a meditative fashion. It contains stretching by holding poses for as much as a number of minutes.

Q. What are the 5 advantages of yoga?

A. It improves metabolism, helps relieve stress, aids in weight reduction, reduces decrease again ache and improves sleep high quality.

Q. What are the disadvantages of yoga?

A. There are not any disadvantages if practised below the supervision of a skilled trainer. 

Q. How shortly does yoga change your physique?

A. The interval can differ from individual to individual. Yoga Takes time when in comparison with a heavy exercise. It takes about 6-12 weeks to point out outcomes when finished constantly.

Q. Is 25 minutes of yoga a day sufficient?

A. On the whole, a minimal of 20 minutes of yoga a day is enough to see seen outcomes. Breaking down the observe to solar salutation, standing poses, mendacity down poses and specializing in completely different physique components on completely different days make brief observe efficient. 

Q. What age group is yoga hottest?

A. Yoga is efficient for all age teams. However, sadly, many youngsters keep away from it on account of its meditative high quality. Nevertheless, issues at the moment are altering on account of their therapeutic qualities. 

Q. What’s the finest time to do yoga?

A. Yoga is often practised at daybreak or nightfall to reap most advantages.



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