HomeIntimate HealthVaginal stenosis can cause painful sex! Know all about this condition

Vaginal stenosis can cause painful sex! Know all about this condition

Many know that vaginal dryness could cause ache whereas having intercourse. You must also pay attention to vaginal stenosis, which is a situation that may have an effect on your intercourse life.

Painful intercourse could also be a results of a number of components. It could be your first time, or chances are you’ll be coping with a vaginal an infection or endometriosis. However it additionally occurs because of a situation known as vaginal stenosis. On this situation, the vaginal canal turns into slim and brief on account of surgical procedure or radiation therapy for pelvic most cancers, inflicting ache throughout penetrative intercourse.

What’s vaginal stenosis?

Vaginal stenosis is a medical situation characterised by the narrowing or constriction of the vaginal canal. This narrowing can happen wherever alongside the size of the vagina, from the vaginal opening to the cervix, explains
obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Pooja C Thukral. It’s a situation that may trigger a shallow vagina.

A couple in bed
Vaginal stenosis can have an effect on your intercourse life. Picture courtesy: Freepik

Some widespread causes of vaginal stenosis embody:

  • Sure congenital abnormalities or developmental defects resembling Müllerian duct anomalies like vaginal agenesis or vaginal septum.
  • A complication of surgical procedures involving the vagina or pelvic area. These procedures might embody vaginal reconstruction surgical procedure and vaginal hysterectomy.
  • Trauma to the vaginal tissues, resembling childbirth-related tears (perineal lacerations), pelvic trauma, or extreme vaginal infections.
  • Radiation remedy for pelvic cancers, resembling cervical most cancers or rectal most cancers.
  • Power inflammatory situations affecting the vagina, resembling lichen planus.

What are the signs of vaginal stenosis?

Signs of vaginal stenosis might fluctuate relying on the severity of the narrowing, however might embody –

  • Issue or ache throughout intercourse.
  • Decreased vaginal lubrication.
  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Pelvic ache or discomfort.
  • Urinary signs, resembling urinary urgency or frequency.
  • Recurrent vaginal an infection or irritation

How does vaginal stenosis have an effect on intercourse life?

Throughout a examine revealed within the Strahlentherapie und Onkologie journal in 2019, researchers discovered that sexual enjoyment received considerably diminished by vaginal stenosis. Listed below are some methods it could have an effect on intercourse life:

1. Painful intercourse

One of the widespread results throughout intercourse is ache or discomfort, notably if penetration is tried too deeply. The slim or shortened vaginal canal might make sure sexual positions uncomfortable or painful for the girl, says the skilled.

2. Issue with penetration

In some instances, penetration perhaps troublesome or difficult, particularly if the companion’s penis or different objects are longer than the size of the vaginal canal. This could result in frustration and difficulties attaining sexual satisfaction.

3. Decreased lubrication

Vaginal stenosis could also be related to decreased vaginal lubrication, which might make intercourse extra uncomfortable or result in friction-related discomfort. Using private lubricants might help alleviate dryness and improve consolation throughout intercourse, suggests the skilled.

A couple not having sex due to vaginal stenosis
Vaginal dilators might assist to scale back ache throughout intercourse. Picture courtesy: Freepik

What are the methods to deal with vaginal stenosis to enhance intercourse life?

The therapy for vaginal stenosis goals to alleviate signs, enhance vaginal operate, and improve sexual satisfaction. Listed below are some methods:

1. Vaginal dilators

Vaginal dilators are cylindrical units which can be inserted into the vagina to stretch and broaden the vaginal tissues regularly. This might help to widen the vaginal canal, enhance flexibility, and scale back ache throughout intercourse.

2. Pelvic ground bodily remedy

Should you go for this remedy, you may be informed to do workouts and comply with methods that can assist calm down the muscle groups of the pelvic ground whereas strengthening them. This might help to enhance vaginal muscle tone, flexibility, and general pelvic ground operate, which can improve sexual satisfaction and scale back signs of vaginal stenosis.

3. Surgical procedures

In some instances, surgical procedures could also be essential to handle extreme vaginal stenosis or right underlying structural abnormalities. Surgical choices might embody vaginal reconstruction surgical procedure (vaginoplasty) to widen the vaginal canal, take away scar tissue, or reconstruct the vaginal opening (introitus), says Dr Thukral.

4. Hormonal remedy

Hormonal remedy, resembling estrogen alternative remedy, could also be really useful to enhance vaginal lubrication, elasticity, and tissue well being. Estrogen remedy could also be administered topically (vaginal lotions, rings, or tablets) or systemically (oral drugs or patches) to assist alleviate signs of vaginal stenosis and enhance sexual consolation.



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